Hand Crafted in AMerica

Top Quality Parts

Unleash the beast


Only The Best

Why BigBoost? Is this even a question? We do not sell anything that we would not use in our record setting cars! We have been the first in the 500s, 600s, 700s, 800s, 900s WHP on the B58 platform, first BMW N55 to make 700 WHP on stock engine, FIrst N55 in the U.S. to run 10s, Fastest N55 in the world to date! First B58 in the 10s, First B58 140+ MPH Trap in the 1/4 mile! B58 100-200 World record at 4.77s. 

Still thinking about it? 

Ask around, fastest BMW N55 and B58 run BigBoost!

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